company certifications | Viabizzuno progettiamo la luce
we set no limits, we are always focused on continuous improvement, as we seek to understand better what the client desires and then to create it.
iso 9001
declaration no. 1315940-00
iso 9001 is the best known and most used standard for quality management systems throughout the world: over one million companies are certified with this standard in 170 different countries today.
the iso 9000 series standards have been defined by the international organization for standardization to define quality management system requirements in companies. they are general flexible standards that can be applied to the most diverse corporate processes and sectors.
the iso 9001 certification proves that corporate activities comply with the minimum requirements of the iso 9001 standard; hence, the end customer has the guarantee that services and products released on the market meet certain specifications and that all phases regarding their production are traceable and verifiable.
this standard is designed for constant ongoing corporate development to improve the organisational structure. it is a strategic choice for companies that want to increase their production, cut down costs, become more competitive on the market and increase customer loyalisation.
it is not mandatory to adopt the iso 9001 certification but having it is becoming an essential feature to face market challenges.
iso 9001 for Viabizzuno
the project is the construction of self.
creating quality means designing for others as for oneself because the project is a gesture of love. we design every feature of light and we focus on enhancing the emotional effect of light.
consistently with our mission and vision, we want our work in the world to be appreciated and for our customers to identify themselves with it and be satisfied.
we do not set limits to our achievements. we are ever focused on ongoing improvement, on our effort to understand what the client wants and to produce it.
the application of a management system that complies with standard iso 9001 can help us achieve and maintain these goals.
the Viabizzuno team has common objectives and everybody is aware of the importance of their work, which belongs to a more extensive and ambitious design.
during the periodic audit the management checks consistency with strategies defined for the resources provided, and whether the policy is appropriate, and announces this intention for the entire organisation to be aware of it.
active participation in the construction of a project makes us designers and artists, not mere workers.